
The Timid Turtle is the third book in the rhyming Magical Butterfly series. Timid is afraid to do his public speaking assignment in front of the class. He encounters Faith, the magical butterfly, who helps him find the confidence to push through his fears and do it.

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Apple Books
Audible [Audio Book]
Book Baby [Paperback]

The Sneaky Snake

The Sneaky Snake is book two in the Magical Butterfly series. The snake has an attitude of entitlement and selfishness. He encounters Faith the Butterfly from book one, The Complaining Caterpillar and decides to change his life and along with that gets a new name and attitude.

Amazon [Book, Kindle]
Apple Books
Audible [Audio Book]
Book Baby [Book, eBook]

The Sneaky Snake

The Complaining Caterpillar is the first in the Magical Butterfly series that also has an accompanying audio book. A link to the audio story is included. The Complaining Caterpillar is unhappy with her life and complains about all aspects of it. She’s visited by an angel who invites her to have faith that a transformation is about to take place. She doesn’t believe it until she finds herself in a cocoon and emerges as a beautiful butterfly. She’s invited to bring inspiration to others who are stuck and need to move forward in their lives to free themselves from their closed minded negativity.

Amazon [Book, eBook, Kindle]
Apple Books
Audible [Audio Book]
Book Baby [Paperback, eBook]

The Sneaky Snake

These 365 thoughts for the day started as daily texts that I sent to my son at a time when he needed support. After a year had gone by, I was inspired to turn them into this book. Each day can be found in the index under the topic the text inspires in case you’re looking for a meditation on that topic. Abundance, Acceptance, Awareness, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Grace, Gratitude, Intention, Miracles, Peace, Relationships, Surrender, Truth, Understanding and Wisdom are examples of some of the topics. Ego can be thought of as “Who we think we are when we believe we’re separated from our Higher Source and from each other.” I’m grateful to all of my guides and mentors who’ve inspired my journey of personal growth, recovery and spirituality.

Amazon [Book, Kindle]
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble [Paperback, eBook]
Book Baby [Paperback, eBook]

"A Ripple in Time"

“A Ripple in Time” transports readers to a realm where love and metaphysical intrigue intertwine. Following a painful breakup, Tara Benton seeks solace in a ski vacation to Pagosa Springs Co. There, she encounters Alex, a charismatic ski instructor whose presence restores her faith in both love and her own self-worth.

As Tara’s journey unfolds, a mystical tapestry of events takes shape, accompanied by unexplainable evidence that defi es the ordinary. Guided by an otherworldly force, Tara’s return to Pagosa Springs becomes a quest to unravel the enigmatic metaphysical mystery that
has captured her curiosity. She’s continuously awakened by Divine Energy, a phenomenon that transcends conventional explanation and opens her mind to the unknown.

During her stay, Tara crosses paths with Xander Chapman, who brings love and light to the lingering shadows of her past that had been haunting her. Dreams, intuitive messages, hypnotherapy, and an encounter with a medium provide them with cryptic clues, steering Tara and Xander towards the heart of their extrasensory journey. Their intertwined paths lead them not only to a deeper understanding of love but also to unravel the intricacies of the very mystery that brought them together.

Amazon [Paperback, Kindle]
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble [Paperback, Nook Book]
Writer’s Branding [Paperback, eBook]